
Here’s a conversation from 17 May 2014 in which Christine talks about teachers she remembers and their impact on her. Her grandsons Gabe and Elijah Robinson are in high school now and may well have teachers that have an impact in a similar way.

JD: We’ve just come back from the undergraduate commencement at CLU. Now Christine to going talk about those teachers that she remembers.

CR: There’s one in particular I remember, primarily because … I thought she was a great teacher. She was a communications teacher. It wasn’t English Composition or Public Speaking or anything like that, it was a Communications class. We had to write a lot of little essays and stuff. One time she wrote on my paper and returned it to me, and she said something special about me.

JD: Very cool. What was her name?

CR: I don’t remember her name!

JD: This was at Webster?

CR: My last year at Webster. That was one of the last classes that I had there.

JD: And what about the other teachers?

CR: The other was an economics professor. I just remember him, but I don’t remember his name either. I remember him because he was just so good. That was earlier. I think he was at Webster.

CR: My other instructor was … he was probably right, but I was trying to prove him wrong. I was taken early accounting classes like general accounting, early on in my studies. Then several years later I was going to take managerial accounting. He didn’t want me to take the class, he wanted me to repeat some of the other ones. He didn’t think I could handle the material. I worked around the clock to make sure I got an ‘A’ in that class, and I did. I got an ‘A’ in that class.

JD: All right! What else do you recall about your time at Webster?

CR: I mostly remember the … there was a social anthropology [teacher] and she talked a lot about the Inuit. She had lived with them for a period of time and actually dated one of the men. She talked a lot about their culture. That was a mid-day class so I left work in the middle of the day. My manager let me do that for one semester.

JD: What was your degree?

CR: My degree was Systems Management with a minor in Marketing.

JD: Have you thought about following up with a Master’s in Business Management?

CR: I thought about every potential variable of whatever. I’ve thought about it a very long time. Unfortunately I thought about it for too long and did nothing about it.

Listen to the original conversation

Letters from Grandma is a web site for Gabriel Robinson and Elijah Robinson, the sons of Blanca and Nazir Robinson, to remind the boys how much Grandma Christine loves them and wishes she could see them. She thinks of her grandsons every day.

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